The 1st International Workshop on Multimedia Computing for Health and Medicine

Co-located with 2024 ACM Multimedia (ACM MM 2024)
28 October - 1 November 2024, Melbourne, Australia


In health and medicine, an immense amount of data is being generated by distributed sensors and cameras, as well as multimodal digital health platforms that support multimedia, such as audio, video, image, 3D geometry, and text. The availability of such multimedia data from medical devices and digital record systems has greatly increased the potential for automated diagnosis. The past several years have witnessed an explosion of interest, and a dizzyingly fast development, in computer aided medical investigations using MRI, CT, X-rays, images, point clouds etc. This proposed workshop focuses on various multimedia computing techniques (including mobile solutions and hardware solutions) for health and medicine, which targets real-world data/problems in healthcare, involves a large number of stakeholders, and is closely connected with people's health.

Scope and Topics

This workshop focuses on various computing techniques (including mobile solutions and hardware solutions) for health and medicine. The topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:





Keynote Speakers

Wei Chen

Prof. Wei Chen is Head of School of Biomedical Engineering and Professor at the University of Sydney, Australia. She is the Associate Editor of various IEEE journals and the newly elected IEEE EMBS AdCom Asia/Pacific representative. From 2020 to 2022, she was the Chair of IEEE Sensor and Systems Council China Chapter and Managing Editor of IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering. She has published 2 books, 200+ scientific papers, holds 20+ granted patents, and led 10+ important R&D projects. Her research focuses on biomedical sensor systems and health informatics.

Luping Zhou

Dr Luping Zhou is an Associate Professor in School of Electrical and Information Engineering, the University of Sydney. She obtained her PhD from Australian National University and got her post-doctoral training in University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr. Zhou works on the interface of medical image analysis, machine learning, and computer vision, and has published 100+ research papers in these fields. Her current research is focused on medical image analysis with statistical graphical models and deep learning, as well as general visual recognition problems. She was a recipient of the prestigious ARC DECRA award. Dr. Zhou is the Associate Editor of the journals IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging and Pattern Recognition.

Hamid Laga

Dr Hamid Laga is a Professor in Murdoch University, Australia. His main expertise is in Machine Learning, 3D Computer Vision, and Computer Graphics. While his primary focus is on fundamental research, he undertakes cross-disciplinary and translational research across health and agriculture. He also provides consultancy services to industries and companies interested in translating research outcomes to end-user products.

Program Committee

Workshop Organizers

Xuequan Lu

La Trobe University

Wenxi Yue

University of Sydney

Imran Razzak

University of New South Wales

Kun Hu

University of Sydney

Jinglei Lv

University of Sydney

Sen Zhang

University of Sydney

Junhui Hou

City University of Hong Kong

Zhiyong Wang

University of Sydney

Jiebo Luo

University of Rochester

Wei Xiang

La Trobe University